The Subnational Income Distribution Hub

TelluBase is the external information hub for detailed subnational income and age data.

It was developed from more than 30 years of effort to build the complexity for this revolutionary information.

Complete Global Coverage

Get data for 218 countries and territories, 2,400 subdivisions, and 2,600 cities globally

Detailed Income Distribution

See socioeconomic level data, or create your own income distribution definition

Data In Different Currencies

View data in local currency, USD, or purchasing power parity dollars, constant or current

Macroeconomic And Demographic Data

Find GDP, disposable income, population, age fractiles, and exchange rates in one hub

Long-Term Projections

Get forward-looking insights with yearly projections 10+ years into the future

Completely Unified Information

Harmonized across countries, subdivisions, cities for all data metrics

For academic and press use, we provide access to TelluBase as a public service initiative. Please contact us to learn more.
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